We Can’t Go On This Way
The Original Singing Sons of Washington, D.C.

Artist Spotlight
Patty Hunter interviews Dr. Alveda King. Topics include The Vision TV Show, Alveda's music plus more on Patty's Page.
This is your Daily #prolife Minute: “Kenny Rogers wrote a song about losing a child to abortion.”

"When peripherals collide; convergence is imminent."
~ Evangelist Alveda King
Prolife Music
A new music genre is speedily ascending in today’s world of melodies. These forms and styles can be enjoyed… [read more]

Prolife Movies
Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for theatrical movies and documentaries to feature themes or sub-themes about abortion. Some messages… [read more]

Prolife Books
Literary genres are created when music with wide appeal is recognized as a distinct category that is typically distr… [read more]

Artist Spotlight
Periodically, we feature artists that we feel have a significant impact on the Pro-life movement… [read more]
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