We Can't Go On This Way

We Can’t Go On This Way
The Original Singing Sons of Washington, D.C.

This is your Daily #prolife Minute: “Kenny Rogers wrote a song about losing a child to abortion.”

Artist Spotlight

"I HAVE A DREAM" Lyrics adapted from Dr. King's Own Words (Verses and music composed by Vans LeBlanc with voice of Emmy-nominee, John Lee Sanders) This musical tribute, composed from Dr. King's famous Speech, is designed to commemorate his life, his death, and his dream that all men are created equal and should live in Peace and Harmony. [read more]

~ Vans LeBlanc

The assassination of Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968 resonated across racial lines, and struck a chord with millions of people, one of them, a teenage girl living in Chappaqua, New York.

“I was 14, and I was just so saddened by the event and moved by it,” says songwriter Mary Sisco. [read more]

Prolife Music Genre

A new music genre is speedily ascending in today’s world of melodies. These forms and styles can be enjoyed and performed by people with little or no musical training. Genres stand in contrast among music, art, literature, media and entertainment.

Who determines when genre status is attained? Musical genres…

Prolife Movie Genre

Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for theatrical movies and documentaries to feature themes or sub-themes about abortion. Some messages in these projects are pro-abortion; some are prolife. Across the decades, and in some cases across centuries, subtle and not so subtle messages point to a deeply seated interest in the subject.

Prolife Literary Genre

Literary genres are created when music with wide appeal is recognized as a distinct category that is typically distributed to large audiences through the music industry. A music genre is a conventional category that identifies some pieces of music as belonging to a shared tradition or set of conventions. By popular demand, prolife music fits these guidelines, and has now ascended to the status of being a genre

Artist Spotlight
Jess Smith

Life experiences and great friendships led me to accept Jesus Christ and commit  my musical interests to honoring His purposes for my life at age 36.  I joined a Christian rock band and played at The Buffalo City Mission and ..

Artist Spotlight
Formerly Jacob

When we decided to come together as Christian musicians, and to create Formerly Jacob, there were a few issues that we mutually held closest to our hearts. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of salvation …

Artist Spotlight
Mayne Champagne

My name is Jermaine Lawrence. I am a recording artist based out of Montreal, Canada that goes by the name of Mayne Champagne. Recently I put a together a song  named Vanity. Its in response to rapper Kendrick Lamar

"When peripherals collide; convergence is imminent."

~ Evangelist Alveda King

Prolife Music

A new music genre is speedily ascending in today’s world of melodies. These forms and styles can be enjoyed… [read more]

Prolife Movies

Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for theatrical movies and documentaries to feature themes or sub-themes about abortion. Some messages… [read more]

Prolife Books

Literary genres are created when music with wide appeal is recognized as a distinct category that is typically distr… [read more]

Artist Spotlight

Periodically, we feature artists that we feel have a significant impact on the Pro-life movement… [read more]

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