Artist Spotlight - Vans LeBlanc


Vans LeBlancVans LeBlanc was born in Portsmouth, Dominica, the nature Island of the Caribbean. A high school student at the St. Mary’s Academy, he was educated at Iona University, New Rochelle, New York and at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada.


He was the chief executive of the two major indigenous financial institutions, director of several business and government institutions in his homeland, Dominica; and a loan Officer with the General Electric Company in Stamford, CT. Vans is a former teacher and banana farmer at home, and a mortgage Broker in Canada.


He is an unpublished author, poet and a former volunteer small business counsellor. Vans has a love for music, although he doesn’t call himself a musician. Vans had been a choir member and Cantor for many years prior to Covid. He has sung comfortably as a tenor even though he has a limited ability to read music.


His musical composition of “Dream of King’s” is the manifestation of his deep belief in the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A dream that he believes transcends all countries, borders and races. It is the universal dream of the entire human race, and though the dream first appeared in the USA.


Dr. King fully understood that the dream is not only America’s dream. It is the ultimate human dream with universal application and appeal.


The music was specifically designed to motivate students at the high school level to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday and commemorate his passing through their marching band parades every year. They should never forget, and we should never forget.

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“Dream of King’s”

Composed and written by Vans LeBlanc
Vocals by John Lee Sanders

Verse 1.
I have a dream (Repeat)
Rooted in the American Dream
That one day this great na-ation
Will live out the meaning of its creed
I have a dream to—day
Drumming to the set beat of a marching band

Verse 2.
I have a dream (repeat)
That my four little chi –ildren
Will one day live in a nation
Will not be judged by the colour of their skin
I have a dream to—day

Verse 3.
Drumming to the set beat of a marching band
I have a dream (repeat)
That the sons of former slaves
And the sons of former slave owners
Will live together in harmony
I have a dream today
Drumming to the set beat of a marching band

Verse 4.
I HAVE A DREAM (repeat)
That right there down in Alabama
Little black boys and little black girls
With little white boys and little white girls
Will join hands as in brotherhood
I have a dream today
Drumming to the set beat of a marching band

Verse 5
So let freedom ring (repeat)
From the mighty mountains of New York
And the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado
From Lookout Mountain of Tennessee
The curvaceous slopes of California
From Stone Mountain of Georgia
Let Freedom ring today
Drumming to the set beat of a marching band

Verse 6.
Let Freedom Ring(repeat)
From every molehill in Mississippi
From every State and every city
From every village and every hamlet
Let freedom ring today
Oh Let Freedom Ring today (repeat)

“I HAVE A DREAM” Lyrics adapted from Dr. King’s Own Words (Verses and music composed by Vans LeBlanc with voice of Emmy-nominee, John Lee Sanders) This musical tribute, composed from Dr. King’s famous Speech, is designed to commemorate his life, his death, and his dream that all men are created equal and should live in Peace and Harmony.

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